Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I try to write down quotes that inspire me. It's a great exercise that allows you to view life through different lenses. Today I wanted to share a few of my favorites with you. Also, in honor of Earth Day yesterday I thought I'd throw in a few spring-inspired pictures from this weekend. 

"You're only growing when you're playing out of your comfort zone."

" If you want something you've never had, then you've got to 
do something you've never done."

"Be here now and find happiness in the moment you're in."

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

I hope your Easter is filled with family, lots of sunshine, and colorful eggs! Even as a 22 year old I still love Easter egg hunts and all the candy that comes along with it. Since the weather today is near perfect, I thought I'd share a few pictures with you. Enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Book Review

Today I'm going to switch it up and do a book review this Wednesday. If you're a book worm like me or trying to encourage yourself to read more, this is a great option. 

Now, you may have already heard of this book and be thinking, "Allison, this is a book for women, not men." Wrong! For all you men out there, this book is important for you to read too. Especially if you work in a corporate environment, this book will open your eyes to things you may not be aware of or shed light on things you have already experienced. 

Ok, so what is this book about. Instead of reading a long summary, I thought it would be beneficial to tell you some of my key takeaways. Hopefully some of these will spark your interest to want to read more. 

It's a fact that there are a far greater number of men at the top of any work sector than women. 

Why? Because women systematically underestimate their abilities compared to men.

As a society we tend to put more pressure on men to succeed at work then women. We need to make it ok for men to stay at home too if they'd like. 

This book ultimately encourages women to sit at the table, literally, if you're a part of a team make sure people know you're there and don't be afraid to contribute your ideas. 

Second, make their partner a real partner and evenly split the work of child rearing. Many women have a job during the day and then come home to do twice as much hose work  and three times as much child rearing as men. 

Finally, don't not leave before you leave. In other words don't count yourself out of the workforce if you're still in it. 

Some awesome advice from a women who has experienced it all. Lean in by Sheryl Sandberg is a must-read.  

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Midweek Motivation

Ok so it's Thursday and not exactly midweek but that's because my "motivator" for this week has been keeping me away from all technology…

My midweek motivation has been none other than the beautiful spring weather. Yesterday we reached a high of 70… 70! Being from Minnesota and catching a break from negative temperatures and a polar vortex has been so refreshing. This weather makes me feel productive, energized, and positive all at the same time. It's exactly what I need to motivate me for the rest of the week. If you're a fellow Minnesotan or are also experiencing warm temps and blue skies, go outside. See how a walk and some fresh air can change your attitude and perspective on the things you have to tackle this week. I completely believe that the simplest things in life can bring us the most good. Who knew weather could be so great?

What's your midweek motivation?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Things I'm Loving Lately

Everyday essentials and activities that I have been loving, and I think you will too!

Went into this movie not having read the books and with little expectations, but left LOVING it. I just purchased the second book of the series on Amazon.

I'm not embarrassed to say that I have literally been wearing the same pair for the past three days, because they are that comfy. I dare you to put them on… but you won't want to take them off.

This Art Project
I'm always looking for new DIYs to try and this one is a must do. It looks pretty simple and the materials are easily found around the house. Plus, the end result is awesome!

Herbal Essence Naked Shampoo
First of all, the smell of this stuff is amazing. That in itself sold me. However, this shampoo is also really good for your hair. It doesn't have any harsh chemicals and I'm not lying when I say that I noticed a difference after the first time I used it.
I bought the volume version but they also have a shine one too I believe.

Trader Joe's Spicy Chai Latte Mix
Ok so I haven't officially bought this yet because there isn't a convenient Trader Joe's location by me, but I have heard nothing but good things. So from one blogger to the next, and because I have the highest confidence in Trader Joe's, I will recommend this mix if you love chai as much as I do.

This Quote
"A personal style is like handwriting - it happens as the byproduct of our way of seeing things, enriched by the experiences of everything around us." 

Happy weekend everyone!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Midweek Motivation

A new series I am going to start, which will be featured each week, every Wednesday, is called Midweek Motivation.

We all know/refer to Wednesdays as "hump day". The day that signifies that we are halfway to the weekend. The day that proves that since we made it halfway through the week we can hopefully survive the other half. In honor of the infamous Wednesdays in our lives, I want to post little quotes, pictures, and stories that provide you with the extra Midweek Motivation needed to refuel and embrace the second half of the week. Enjoy!

Sometimes we have circumstances in life that can drag us down. Your attitude and actions are your choice. Don't let those moments sabotage your plan for happiness.